Advanced customizations

Parameter Resolvers

You can configure additional ParameterResolvers by extending the ParameterResolverFactory class and creating a file named /META-INF/service/org.axonframework.common.annotation.ParameterResolverFactory containing the fully qualified name of the implementing class.


At this moment, OSGi support is limited to the fact that the required headers are mentioned in the manifest file. The automatic detection of ParameterResolverFactory instances works in OSGi, but due to classloader limitations, it might be necessary to copy the contents of the /META-INF/service/org.axonframework.common.annotation.ParameterResolverFactory file to the OSGi bundle containing the classes to resolve parameters for (i.e. the event handler).

Meta Annotations


Customizing Message Handler behavior


It is possible to wrap handlers with custom logic. This differs from HandlerInterceptors in that you have access to the Aggregate member at the time of resolving. You can use HandlerEnhancers to intercept and perform checks on groups of @CommandHandlers or @EventHandlers.

To create a HandlerEnhancer you start by implementing HandlerEnhancerDefinition and overriding the wrapHandler() method. All this method does is give you access to the MessageHandlingMember<T> which is an object representing any handler that is specified in the system.

You can then sort these handlers based on their annotations by using the annotationAttributes(Annotation annotation) method. This will filter out only those handlers that use that Annotation.

For your HandlerEnhancer to run you'll need to create a META-INF/services/org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.HandlerEnhancerDefinition file containing the fully qualified name of the handler enhancer you would like to use.


public class MethodCommandHandlerDefinition implements HandlerEnhancerDefinition { // 1.

    public <T> MessageHandlingMember<T> wrapHandler(MessageHandlingMember<T> original) { // 2.
        return original.annotationAttributes(CommandHandler.class) // 3.
                .map(attr -> (MessageHandlingMember<T>) new MethodCommandMessageHandlingMember(original, attr))
                .orElse(original); // 5.

    private static class MethodCommandMessageHandlingMember<T> extends WrappedMessageHandlingMember<T>{

        private final String commandName;

        private MethodCommandMessageHandlingMember(MessageHandlingMember<T> delegate,
                                                   Map<String, Object> annotationAttributes) {

            if ("".equals(annotationAttributes.get("commandName"))) {
                commandName = delegate.payloadType().getName();
            } else {
                commandName = (String) annotationAttributes.get("commandName");

        public boolean canHandle(Message<?> message) {
            return super.canHandle(message) && commandName.equals(((CommandMessage) message).getCommandName()); // 4.

        public String commandName() {
            return commandName;
  1. Implement the HandlerEnhancerDefinition interface

  2. Override the wrapHandler method to perform your own logic.

  3. Sort out the types of messages you want to handle, for example any CommandHandlers or your own custom annotation even.

  4. Handle the method inside of a MessageHandlingMember

  5. If you would like to skip handling just return the original that was passed into the wrapHandler method.

To skip all handling of the handler then just throw an exception.

Last updated